3 courses £150
6 courses £270
10 courses £400
18 courses £630
Year 1 – Certificate in Christian Service
The Standard fee is £2,000 per year of which a deposit of £167 is payable before the start of the academic year. Students can opt for a pay-per-month basis where the fee is £167 per month.
Year 2 – Associate’s Degree in Ministry
The Standard fee is £2,000 per year of which a deposit of £167 is payable before the start of the academic year. Students can opt for a pay-per-month basis where the fee is £167 per month.
One of the Bible School’s most important goals is to facilitate the growth and development of Christian character in line with biblical principles.
It is expected that Bible School students live in such a manner that brings glory to Christ in their behaviour and attitudes both in and outside of the Bible School and Church’s settings.
Since students are also being trained for Christian ministry, and are engaged in ministry as part of their course, it is expected that they will conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the moral, ethical and behavioural standards expected of Christian leaders and the churches in which they are ministering and being trained.
Please note this list below is not exhaustive of the full code of conduct which can be outlined in the student handbook.
Each student is therefore expected to –
Abstain from biblically immoral practices including drunkenness, stealing, slanderous or profane language, dishonesty, occult practices and sexual sins (premarital sex, pornography, adultery) or any other behaviour that is considered detrimental to Christian character and witness.
Avoid attitudes (such as greed, jealousy, pride, bitterness, needless anger and discrimination) and behaviour (such as gossip, divisiveness and complaining) that disrupts the unity and health of the church body.
·Show respect and consideration for other members of the student body and their property.
Show respect for staff and faculty and co-operate with the aims and endeavours of the Bible School.
Attend all prescribed Bible School classes, ministry sessions and activities required by the Bible School program unless formally excused.
Refrain from dishonest academic practices as outlined in the Academic Misconduct policy.
Be neat, clean and modestly dressed.
Follow the guidelines in this Handbook.
If students find however, that they are genuinely struggling with such issues, we advise they speak to their immediate leaders or the Bible School staff and allow them to bring guidance, counsel and correction to the situation.
Any behaviour that contravenes the Student Code of Conduct will result in disciplinary action.
Any behaviour that compromises the welfare of other students will result in disciplinary action and potential termination of enrolment.
The Student Handbook is designed as a guide for life at CRC Bible School. It tells you what to expect and what expectations we place on you as you seek to prepare yourself for Christian ministry.
This Bible School is concerned not only with academic performance but also with the character development of each student. The following guidelines are provided for all students and it is your responsibility to read and become familiar with all of them.
Our desire is to see you equipped for Christian ministry and for your personal life, to be spiritually enriched as you develop a lifestyle that is consistent with the high calling of a disciple of Christ.